Management, LC | Custom Home Builder

"My best finished product is a happy client"




I run my business around the idea that not only am I building fine custom homes, I am also building long-lasting relationships, both with my clients and with the subcontractors that I work with. Most of my clients become my good friends, and most of my subcontractors already are.



I feel strongly that the process of building a home can and should be a pleasant one. Over the years I have seen and heard many horror stories about bad experiences with contractors, and have thought it so sad and unnecessary. I have made it a goal to avoid that scenario and to create a pleasant experience. When I hear a client express to someone how much they loved having me as their builder, then I know I was successful.



My expertise lies in my experience and intimate knowledge of the construction process, plus my ability to communicate and interact well with my clients and to visualize the final product that they have in mind. Because of this, I choose to build only two or three homes per year, with no more than two projects under construction at a time. This allows me to personally supervise the construction of each home and to give each client personalized one-on-one attention.



I believe it all starts with the process of selecting the right builder for you.Working with a builder on your custom home project is a rather intimate relationship, and I think it’s important for the client and the builder to feel comfortable with each other and to make sure that there is a good fit. I would love the chance to get together, get to know each other and see if we think we might have that “fit.”